Monday, May 24, 2010

Let's Get Our Sundays Back!

What happened to Sundays? Remember when you were a kid...(in the 70's) when nothing was open on Sundays? Not the mall...nothing. Sundays were meant for going to Church.  There were no recreational sports to go to. Your father watched the game on tv and your mom made a pot roast.

Yesterday Stephen had a baseball game and Will had team pictures..which we blew off. When did Sunday become Saturday? Don't you think there should be one day..just one that we could devote to our families, ourselves? No sports...unless they're on tv. No shopping. No work. Just a simple family day. That's what we're aiming for here.

What do you do on Sundays? Do you lie in a hammock? Read? Ride bikes? Putter in the garden? Read the paper? Let's get our Sundays back!


  1. That baby is so cute and chubby...I want to bite him. Amen to getting Sunday back. Times are very different now...not always for the better. One day devoted to slowing down is not to much to ask for, is it?

  2. i so agree with you Pam. we had a baseball game yesterday as well. i was just talking to my mom about this very subject. we used to go to church and them come home and my mom would make an "early" dinner of roast, chicken etc.... and we would all sit down and eat. we are definitely missing something.

  3. Feast on that baby, as my grandma would say.

    I make a point of Sunday as our family day. We go to Church, kids play with their siblings (puzzles, games, yesterday we made an obstacle course in the backyard and everyone but nursing Mom ran it), eat dinner with cousins, walk the neighborhood. And I must admit that it gets me ready for my week.
    Maybe that's why I'm a Monday morning gal--Sundays re-energize me.
    Good luck. It's a hard habit to make in the beginning, but now it's all my kids know. And I love it.

  4. that is one of the *freedoms* of living *away*...we have wonderful wonderful friends here- but on sundays we rarely have any commitments....& we L.O.V.E it like fact we have seen soo much of the gorgeous countryside around us because we have soo many weekends free....wouldn't have it any other way whilst over it wont last forever...
    i agree...we do sat sport...& when did sat become sunday sport- bring back the old days!
    have lovely week x

  5. We try as much as we can to keep Sundays simple here too...but it can be so hard. But we have to keep trying right?!
    Enjoy the day!

  6. So true...I remember as a kid how sacred Sundays were. We go to church in the a.m., then pick up food at Sam's. Weird tradition, but we go there right after church...stocking up for the next week or two. We take it easy and the kids play together. I love the lazy feel!

  7. "Keep the sabbath day holy" remember that? Except for church, we go nowhere on Sunday unless it's visiting family. It's a commandment, right? I always think of this quote by David Herring: "Our great-grandfathers called it the Holy Sabbath day. Our grandfathers called it the Sabbath. Our fathers called it Sunday, and now we just call it the weekend."

  8. Sunday is our family day...but I must admit every so often I find myself making a quick run to Walmart for something we "need". Growing up, we used to go "visiting" other family on Sundays...we probably didn't call ahead of time either...we just showed up!

  9. I couldn't agree more. Sundays are our family days and nothing gets in the way of that. We don't even enroll our kids in sports if we know there will be games or practices on Sundays. It's a much needed re-charge for the coming week.

  10. I've always tried to keep Sunday quiet and holy. We go to church and then the Sunday paper is my ritual. I hunker down, comfy with coffee and paper; and TRY to be still all day. Sometimes those dreaded errands are a must. This past Sunday My Guy and I got to do it. It was a slice of heaven on earth...

  11. Hi! During this time in my life....I sleep on Sundays. I work night weekender (Sat and Sun nights 7pm tp 7am) at the hospital so that I can be home all week for the kids. I hope that in the next year or so, I can get my Sundays back too.
    My family will usually go to church, then hang out with friends, play outside and rest. None of our sports involve Sundays at this point.
    Precious pic of Griffin!
    :) Jen

  12. I couldn't agree more. I hate having to be somewhere on a annoys me. It used to be a day to re-group, re-connect, and re-energize, and now it's anything but. I think we're all so used to running around skimming through life that when it's time to relax, we forget how. Sleeping in a hammock on a Sunday with the wind blowing and the sun shining, so peaceful...perfect!!! I am going to try it this Sunday. Thanks Pam for the reminder.
