Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Gift of an Ordinary Day

I've been wanting to read this book since this youtube video came out. Every time someone forwards it to me I cry. So when I was in the bookstore the other day Katrina Kennison's book jumped right out at me. The title alone would make me want to read it even without seeing the video. I'm halfway through and love it. I've laughted and cried and read some aloud to the kids yesterday. Do you highlight or mark favorite passages in your books? One of my favorite this.."If motherhood has taught me anything, it is that I cannot change my children, I can only change myself". And then there is this quote that she includes by poet Kahlil Gibran..." Your children are not your children, they are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you."  That's one I should frame and keep within sight.

I cherish my ordinary days.

And some more cleanse questions answered! My kids are not doing this. I'm on the full cleanse (if you don't count last Saturday night's pizza/wine or last nights wine :)
Steve is on a partial are eating normal kid stuff.
Yes, it's the Martha 28 day detox that I'm following. I've always been a fan of her recipes so I figured these would measure up and they have. Here is a link to her site. We love the soups from Week 1...I think they're called 2 bean vegetarian chili which could not have been easier to make and then Almond chicken soup was delish! I'll continue to make them even after the cleanse.


  1. That you tube video always makes me cry too. I'll have to read the book. It's nice to have a reminder every now and then of how much we'll miss the ordinary days with our children when they've grown and left home. Glad your house is warm again, and nothing better than a good neighbor.

  2. soooo bummed for you guys yesterday - 12 hours is a looong time to be w/o power! Somehow, miraculously, we kept ours on the whole time - it's truly a miracle b/c we are always losing our power - and to far less than yesterday!

    I love this post from today - I've seen this before, but not ever followed thru with the book - now I want to read it!! btw, your photo with the sunlight peeking thru those snow covered branches is gorgeous!

  3. That's a great video and that first picture you posted is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  4. That was one of the better books i read last year. I leave it out to remind me of the beauty in every ordinary day.

  5. Wow! Sunshine, blue skies & powdery snow=beautiful!

  6. Such beauty. And I love that you included a picture of unhappy Grif as part of your ordinary day. Not perfect, but still a gift.
    And I bought Hector when I saw it on your nightstand. Haven't had time to start it yet, but if it's like the back cover, I'm excited.

  7. I remind myself every day that they are only mine for a little while:) He is so cute!

  8. I bet he screamed and would not wear gloves or mittens! Oh I am cold just looking at his little hands. Love you!

  9. oh, i've always wanted to read that book - thank you for the reminder. keep up the good work on the detox - impressive that you've made it into the second week...most people i know don't make it through the first. happy weekend. hope you're enjoying an ordinary weekend :)

  10. i didn't know there was a book!!! the video had me in tears...looks like a trip to the book store!!

  11. Wow, Great blog buddy! Gifts in Coimbatore I could just find all informative sources in your post. My search ends here!
