Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summa's, Sweets and Short Hair

Stephen received two Summa awards the other night.
Let me tell you..I could not be a more proud mom.
He received them in English and Music.
So proud of you Stephen.

Griffy and I made the Neiman Marcus cookies.
It's been too long.

Thanks Catie for the reminder. 
Love these cookies.

My friend Dawn just got this cookbook and I knew I needed it too.
I've always been a GP fan.
I'm loving this book...there are so many things I want to try. 
I think my love of Gwyneth started with a hairstyle.
Remember her short haircut?
I had it years ago and loved it.

Oh how I wish I could pull that off again.
This time of year I'm ready to chop off my hair.
I think I was about 27 here.
We were living in Germany and Steve went off to Bosnia.
So Stephen and I flew home to the Cape for the summer.
And I chopped off my hair.

Not so sure it'll look as cute 16 years later.


  1. I think you could pull it off! You have a very pretty face, and that's all you need to pull of short hair.

    Those cookies look delicious!!

  2. congratulations, stephen!!

    i need to bake some cookies, too.
    i love having the frozen dough balls ready to pop in the oven.

    your hair was really cute! i keep thinking about cutting bangs {like jill's on good life for less}

  3. Congrats to your big boy for his awards!
    You'd look cute with any hair style!! :D

  4. Congrats on those awards! I know I would have been blubbering in the audience.

    And, man...bring some of those cookies when you come over. I am in need of a total sugar fix right about now.

    You could totally rock that hair style. You are adorable in that picture!!!

  5. wow - proud momma for sure!! and those NM cookies ... i have that recipe but never tried it and had forgotten about it at this point - are they all they're cracked up to be?! if so, i sense a chocolate fix coming on ;-)

  6. Go Stephen!!

    Do it! Change is fun, and it is only hair. It will grow back if you don't like it!

  7. We've made the Neiman Marcus cookies many times. I haven't had one in years though. Now I would love to have a few! :) I love that cake/cookie stand too.

    As I'm writing this, Boyd just ran in the office, saw your cookies, and said, now I want a cookie. ha.

  8. Congrats to Stepen!!! Yay!!

    Oh those cookies...they were sooo good, didn't last very long here :)

    I knew you would LOVE that cookbook...I love just looking at the pics and reading it!

    Your hair was cute short!!

  9. Love Griffy on the counter!!! He is like your little do everything pal!
    I have been thinking about shorter hair too. I saw Bridesmaids this week (hularious) and her haircut is so cute and fun. I am a chicken.
    So glad to be able to comment here now!
    :) Jen

  10. You Ab-So-Lute-Ly pull off that hair! ABSOLUTELY!!!
    I think I'll stand in EM's camp can always grow back....and short hair in the summer is such a breeze! :)
    Besides, I think you are way cuter than GP! :)

  11. Oh, and congrats to Stephen...(and his parents too!)...I know you are SO proud! :)
