Saturday, September 20, 2014

Griffin and School

Life is busy.
Apartment hunting
and just the thought of
moving again is taking up
most of my days.
We don't have to be out
until November 28th..
and I think they'll be pushing us
out the door on that day.
I don't want to leave here!

Griffin is slowly adjusting 
to his new life at school.
He has days when he jumps out
of bed and can't wait to go.
And then he has days that are the
complete opposite of that.

On those days
we do things like the above.
Trying out new cafe's and  
visiting the park.
I am not pushing him.
We are taking this school
thing slow.
Not the French way..
that's for sure.

As expats, 
we encourage the kids
to try new things.
Experience the food..
learn the language and 
the history..
understand the people and 
be respectful of their culture and country.

when it came to schooling Griffin,
I decided not to send him at 
3 or 4 when most 
French kids are heading off to

And I have no regrets.
I am also so grateful
for his patient teachers 
at his little school here!
We are proud of you Griff! 

The leaves are falling in Paris..
but the temperatures however
seem to be rising!
Bon weekend!!


  1. It is nice that they are letting you take it slowly. You could consider homeschooling him till he is truly ready. It is really easy in those early years. My children homeschooled till HS and are all honor students in college now. One with graduate this year from UC Berkeley with an English degree. She actually never went to H.S rather straight to our Community college at age 16. So there are always options. Your children are receiving a world education just by the way you live and all the traveling you are able to do. What a gift. I have to say I like seeing your Griffin with you.

  2. I'm glad the teachers are patient and support you Pam! It's important to have a good relationship with them. This is your decision on how to handle Griffy and school. It's always been your decision. Stay strong with your beliefs, always be open to advice, and carry on as YOU see fit. Hope he has a good upcoming week!

  3. What a beautiful post, Pam. The gorgeous photos and your thoughts and attitude about your beautiful boy. Someday when you both look back, you'll remember these days of cafés and adventures and they will mean more than any day at school possibly could, I bet. Thanks for sharing your Paris life with us. Good luck with the apartment hunting... I hope this means that something better is right around the corner! XO

  4. Love your approach. I kept my youngest out of Pre k until he was 4...and I am so glad full day kindergarten was still not the norm when he was of school age. I have always loved that extra time they have at home to just play.

  5. Following your heart and what you know is best is such a wonderful trait to have has a mother. I do that now more than ever but I wish when I had my first and she was little I didn't listen and compare so much! Best of luck as you search for a new place ~tara

  6. You're the parent - you get to choose! Sweet Griff - his hair just kills me, all those adorable curls! Glad to know Stephens doing well at college too. You are going to find the ultimate apartment, I just know it! Love you all!! xo
