Thursday, July 19, 2012

Saying Goodbye

The night before we left
a few of our neighbors had us for dinner.
I can't express how thankful we are to have had
the neighbors we did for the past 4 years.

That night after dinner,
the adults stayed back and 
9 of the neighborhood kids
ages 19 down to 3
piled in a car and drove 
to FarFars for ice cream.

The next day
as we drove away ..
on to our new life in France,
our street was lined with mini-French flags.

And they were there
waving goodbye.

We miss you already!


  1. oh my goodness! sweetest. friends. ever.

  2. mini french flags! and i think i spy some champagne! unbelievable!

  3. Oh my goodness! Hope all of your future neighbors both in France and other places are just as wonderful!

  4. WOW!!! What a wonderful send off!!! The flags lining the street are the best idea ever!!!

  5. What wonderful neighbors and what a fabulous send-off!!

  6. I just found your blog. Lovely. Will keep coming back to see how you're settling in. Welcome.

  7. Oh my goodness! Did the friends with flags just about break your heart?! Bitter sweet for sure. So exciting!

  8. oh my goodness... I love this photo of all of you. And I ADORE the expression on Griffy's face!!! Missing you too. xoxox San
