first of all..
let me say thank you
to all who've left comments
and sent emails inquiring of
my whereabouts.
and i'm sorry too i guess!
(to those of you i've offended..yikes!)
truth be told
i just haven't felt like blogging.
griffin was home sick quite a bit..
and hannah had some health issues
with her Crohn's..
and then stephen came home from college..
and the holidays..
and then i flew to new york..
and netflix came to france so i've spent
watching seasons 1-5 of
Downton Abbey!
and there you have it!
i don't plan on giving up my blog.
but i have thought about making it private.
i don't know.
it's been a sad and scary time
here in Paris.
I admit I've been taking cabs
more than usual instead of riding the metro..
we're staying home a bit more..
and for the first time ever since
moving here 2 and 1/2 years ago..
i felt unsafe.
i do hope you all
have had a wonderful
holiday season.
and thank you
for reading..